Titouan Galopin
Software and entrepreneurship

Building a SaaS product with Symfony
Jun 28, 2021
I would like to talk to you about the role of technology in entrepreneurship, and more specifically how to use Symfony to build Software as a Service (SaaS) products.

Introducing the league/flysystem-bundle
Apr 18, 2019
On April 6th and 7th 2019, I was honored to take part in the EU FOSSA Symfony Hackathon 2019. It the occasion for me to work on an idea I had: implementing a modern Flysystem integration for Symfony.

Using Symfony Security voters to check user permissions with ease
Jul 31, 2018
Checking users permissions is a crucial part of many web projects and a single mistake can be devastating. That’s why Symfony Security voters are so great.

Tips for a reliable and fast test suite with Symfony and Doctrine
Jul 24, 2018
A great feature of Symfony is it’s organization around HTTP: its kernel “handles” HTTP requests and “returns” HTTP responses. This pattern brings tons of advantages, including ease of testing.

Auto-Increment is the Devil: using UUIDs in Symfony and Doctrine
Jul 17, 2018
When learning how to create databases, you most likely learned how to use auto-incremented values for identifiers. This technique has several drawbacks when badly used. Let's review them!

Executing database migrations at scale with Doctrine and Symfony
Jul 11, 2018
There are not many programming languages which don’t have at least one way to access a database. In a few decades, databases, and more precisely relational databases, have become the standard way ...